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The Saw Swee Hock building, home of LSESU

Event Listing

Friday 05 February 2016
6pm - 7pm

As part of the final day of LSE SU's Wellbeing week, the LGBT+ Alliance has teamed up with the Disabled Student's Network and the Disabled Students' Officer to present a night of spoken word poetry on the topic of being LGBT+ and/ or disabled.
We know that LGBT+ people are disproportionately likely to experience mental health problems, and the experinces of disabled queer people are often simply ignored. We hope to enlighten and share stories so we may create solidarity between 2 communities. As such, even if you're LGBT+ and not disabled, or disabled but do not consider yourself to be LGBT+, you are more than welcome to take part.
Submisions welcome! If you would like to contribute a speech, spoken word poetry or performance peice of some kind, please get in contact at or message Perdita Blinkhorn or Isobel Clare
This event is open to all!

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