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Election Posts

LSESU Autumn Term Elections 2024

Nominations open at 09:00 on Monday 23 September 2024 (in 11 days)

General Course President

Represent and support General Course students during their flying visit to LSE!

The main function of the General Course President is to represent General Course students during their short time here at LSE. In this role you will be in a unique position to shape the experience of the whole General Course cohort by working directly with the General Course Department.

You will work closely with both the Dean and the Student Recruitment Office to organise events throughout the year and to ensure that every General Course student has a great time at the LSE.

This is an LSE role and as such works closer with the School than the SU.

See the full role description at:

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Graduate Teaching Assistant Officer

Represent and improve the experience of Graduate Teaching Assistants at LSE!

The Graduate Teaching Assistant Officer is part of the Academic Sub-Committee (ASC), which advises and feeds into the plans of LSESU senior leaders. The ASC is made up of representatives of all different forms of LSE study e.g. Part-Time Study, Graduate Teaching Assistants etc. The Sub-Committee is there to ensure all these different student experiences are given a voice. 

As a member of the ASC, the Graduate Teaching Assistant Officer will

  • Produce a termly report on the student experience of Graduate Teaching Assistants
  • Advise the Executive Committee on students’ academic priorities via close communication with the Education Officer
  • Attend relevant Consultative Fora sessions
  • Meet with the other Officers within the Academic Sub-Committee and the Education Officer to discuss issues affecting students across the whole of LSE

You must be a Graduate Teaching Assistant to run for this position.

See the full role description at:

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Part-Time Study Officer

Represent and improve the experience of part-time students at LSE!

The Part-Time Study Officer is part of the Academic Sub-Committee (ASC), which advises and feeds into the plans of LSESU senior leaders. The ASC is made up of representatives of all different forms of LSE study e.g. Part-Time Study, Graduate Teaching Assistants etc. The Sub-Committee is there to ensure all these different student experiences are given a voice. 

As a member of the ASC, the Part-Time Study Officer will

  • Produce a termly report on the student experience of part-time students
  • Advise the Executive Committee on students’ academic priorities via close communication with the Education Officer
  • Attend relevant Consultative Fora sessions
  • Meet with the other Officers within the Academic Sub-Committee and the Education Officer to discuss issues affecting students across the whole of LSE

You must be a part-time student to run for this position.

See the full role description at:

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Post-Graduate Research Officer

Represent and improve the experience of Postgraduate Research Students at LSE!

The Postgraduate Research Students’ Officer is part of the Academic Sub-Committee (ASC), which advises and feeds into the plans of senior leaders in LSESU. The ASC is made up of representatives of all different forms of LSE study e.g. Part-Time Study, Graduate Teaching Assistants etc. The Sub-Committee is there to ensure all these different student experiences are given a voice. 

As a member of the ASC, the Postgraduate Research Officer will

  • Produce a termly report on the student experience of PhD students
  • Advise the Executive Committee on students’ academic priorities via close communication with the Education Officer
  • Attend relevant Consultative Fora sessions
  • Meet with the other Officers within the Academic Sub-Committee and the Education Officer to discuss issues affecting students across the whole of LSE

You must be a Postgraduate Research student to run for this position.

See the full role description at:

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Post-Graduate Taught Officer

Represent and improve the experience of taught postgraduate students at LSE!

The Postgraduate Taught Students’ Officer is part of the Academic Sub-Committee (ASC), which advises and feeds into the plans of LSESU senior leaders. The ASC is made up of representatives of all different forms of LSE study e.g. Part-Time Study, Graduate Teaching Assistants etc. The Sub-Committee is there to ensure all these different student experiences are given a voice. 

As a member of the ASC, the Postgraduate Taught Officer will

  • Produce a termly report on the student experience of taught postgraduate students
  • Advise the Executive Committee on students’ academic priorities via close communication with the Education Officer
  • Attend relevant Consultative Fora sessions
  • Meet with the other Officers within the Academic Sub-Committee and the Education Officer to discuss issues affecting students across the whole of LSE

You must be a postgraduate student to run for this position.

See the full role description at:

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Undergraduate Officer

Represent and improve the experience of undergraduate students at LSE!

The Undergraduate Students’ Officer is part of the Academic Sub-Committee (ASC), which advises and feeds into the plans of LSESU senior leaders. The ASC is made up of representatives of all different forms of LSE study e.g. Part-Time Study, Graduate Teaching Assistants etc. The Sub-Committee is there to ensure all these different student experiences are given a voice. 

As a member of the ASC, the Undergraduate Officer will

  • Produce a termly report on the student experience of undergraduate students
  • Advise the Executive Committee on students’ academic priorities via close communication with the Education Officer
  • Attend relevant Consultative Fora sessions
  • Meet with the other Officers within the Academic Sub-Committee and the Education Officer to discuss issues affecting students across the whole of LSE

You must be a undergraduate student to run for this position.

See the full role description at:

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NUS Delegate (3 places)

To run for NUS Delegate you MUST be available to attend the National NUS Conference on Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th April 2024, in Blackpool (your travel and accomodation would be paid for by the Students' Union).

As an affiliated member of the National Union of Students (NUS), an organisation with over seven million members, LSESU is entitled to send voting delegates to the National Conference in March.

At the conference you will have the chance to join in the debate on the key issues facing students across the United Kingdom, as well as to vote for the student representatives who will lead the NUS for the next year. This is also a great opportunity to meet fellow students passionate about making a difference in the Higher Education sector, providing delegates with a key networking opportunity.

If you are elected, you will be expected to:

  • Prepare for the conference by consulting with students on the issues they care about and potentially submit motions for debate.
  • Vote for the various student representatives elected at conference and the motions submitted for debate.
  • Feed back to students on what happened at the National Conference.

Find out more at:

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Member of Academic Board (2 places)

Sit on the highest level committee within LSE’s academic governance, the Academic Board, and represent the interests of LSE students.

The Academic Board is the principal academic body of LSE, and all major policy issues affecting the academic life of the School and its students go through here. It is chaired by the Director of LSE, and all academic staff such as professors and teaching fellows can attend. 

Over the last couple of years the Academic Board has discussed the LSE Education Strategy, which will shape the direction of education at LSE over the next five years, as well as issues surrounding study space, plagiarism, department structure and free speech at LSE. There is also the opportunity for members of the board to ask questions on school policy to senior figures within the school.

If you are elected, you will be expected to:

  • Attend all 6 Academic Board meetings during the academic year and represent the views of all students at these meetings.
  • Prepare for the meetings by coming to briefing sessions put on by the SU, reading the relevant reports and papers and consulting with students and course reps on the issues they care about.
  • Follow up by helping LSE implement change and reporting back to students.

Find out more at:

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Democracy Committee (2 places)


The Democracy Committee is at the heart of everything we do at LSESU to make student voices heard. As part of the Democracy Committee, you would be a key figure in ensuring that the SU’s democratic structures always remain open and accessible to LSE students, facilitating change in a fair but radical fashion!

The Democracy Committee Members:

  • Ensure that LSESU functions in a democratic way

  • Facilitate and lead Student Town Halls and Student Panels

  • Analyse and assess the democratic foundations of any Policy Proposals put forward by other students

  • Decide the dates, rules, and regulation for all elections and referenda

  • Assist with promoting elections, Student Panels and Town Hall

Each Democracy Committee member will be paid an honorarium of £700 for their work. You cannot hold another elected position whilst acting as a member of Democracy Committee.

For more information, see the full role description at or contact


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