OpenSTV version 2.4.0 ( Loading ballots from file ballots (9).blt. Ballot file contains 3 candidates and 670 ballots. No candidates have withdrawn. Ballot file contains 670 non-empty ballots. Method Options: Title -- Member of the LSESU Trustee Board (2 year term) Seats -- 2 Counting votes using ERS97 STV. R|RON |SANKHLA, ROHAN SUBASH |ELUMOGO, CHUKWUZULUM |Exhausted |Surplus |Threshold ======================================================================================================================================================================================================== 1| 72.00| 240.00| 358.00| 0.00| 151.32| 223.34 |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Count of first choices. The initial quota is 223.34. Candidates SANKHLA, ROHAN SUBASH and ELUMOGO, CHUKWUZULUM have reached the threshold and are elected. Winners are SANKHLA, ROHAN SUBASH and ELUMOGO, CHUKWUZULUM.