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The Saw Swee Hock building, home of LSESU

Drug and Alcohol Support

Whether you think you may have a problem with alcohol or drugs or just want to stay informed, knowing the sources of support that are out there for you will be really helpful. Both LSESU and LSE have been expanding support measures available to students. You can also reach out to confidential services available outside of the School.

Support at LSESU

If you have any questions about how to access support, our Advice Service can help you navigate this. While our caseworkers are not specifically trained in providing drug or alcohol related support, we will be more than happy to help you find the support you need.

LSESU bars have anti-drink spiking measures in place, in collaboration with StopTopps, a company providing tops for open drinks to prevent spiking.

Stoptopps Instagram Carousels by Freda on Scribd

Support at LSE

LSE has developed the Student drugs and alcohol policy, where the School specifies their policies but also links to sources of support available. These include Student Counselling Service, Mental Health Advisors through the LSE Disability and Wellbeing Service, as well as the Peer Support Scheme. Students can also access a 24/7 out of hours mental health support line sponsored by the School via SpectrumLife. Using the results of the LSESU Drugs Survey in 2020, the LSESU Sabbatical Officers lobbied the university into providing specific drugs and alcohol consulting services using Insight.


Insight is a confidential service working that offers you advice about your health & wellbeing. Their aim is to help you with problems relating to isolation, anxiety, healthy lifestyles, and drugs and alcohol. Insight’s services are confidential and free; they have flexible access on evenings and weekends.  You can contact Insight via their phone number, Zoom, or (when safe!)  meet in person, whichever works best for you. If you have any questions, want to find out if Insight is the right service for you please contact them on:-

Sarah - 07825 539409

Azadeh – 07833 074581

Support external to the school

The NHS provides support for both alcohol and drug related problems.

Drink Aware allows you to track your alcohol consumption, calculate units and calories and set goals to help you moderate your drinking.

The Mix is a support service for issues ranging from mental health and money support to drug and drinking advice. You can talk to them via their online community, on social, through their free, confidential helpline and counselling service.

Drugs and Me is a social enterprise for benefit-harm management in the context of recreational drug use. 

Know Drugs helps you differentiate between different pills and stay away from dangerous batches for safer drug use.

Drug Wise provides drug information which is topical, evidence-based and non-judgemental, while Know the Score lets you check what different drugs look like, their names and nicknames, how they’re taken, immediate effects, the risks they pose to health and wellbeing and their legal classification.

Talk to Frank provides similar information and helpline available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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