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The Saw Swee Hock building, home of LSESU

Event Listing

Wednesday 30 October 2019
5pm - 6pm

CollectiWise is an AI startup that is "building tools for collective intelligence and collective wisdom". The main task is to allocate optimum time and resources to projects within a company. Its short-term and medium-term mission is to empower software teams with the most modern and innovative methods of collective intelligence, while at the same time intensively studying such hybrid human-computer systems and through such intensive study improving them.

Johannes is an innovator and data scientist who is currently finishing a doctoral dissertation "Cognitive Diversity in Complex Environments", in Sustainable Development at Columbia University. He gained experience working as a scientist at eBay in classification, learning machines, and structured data.

In the event, Johannes will talk about CollectiWise as a co-founder, and how the team is using AI to solve some problems.

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