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The Saw Swee Hock building, home of LSESU

Event Listing

Thursday 01 October 2020
6:30pm - 8pm
Online (Zoom)

LSESU STAR Give it a Go is a chance to learn more about our fantastic society whilst meeting like-minded people! The event will begin with a short committee presentation on STAR's events, campaigns, and goals for this year, including how we would love new committee members to get involved in both our main events program and our flagship Refugee Week. We will then host an informal online quiz regarding the British asylum system, highlighting the key areas of policy which STAR aims to influence. Finally the event will end with a chance to ask the committee questions as well as discussing important issues and ideas with event attendees. We hope anyone interested in joining LSESU STAR will join us to learn more about how you can get involved and make a difference! 

To join the event use this zoom link!

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