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We recognise that our members will have lots of questions related to the LSESU Gym so, below you can find a list of FAQs that will hopefully answer them.

If you cannot find the answer below please email our team at 

General Questions

Who can join the LSESU gym?

The LSESU Gym is open to LSE Students, Staff and Alumni. Unfortunately, the LSESU Gym is not open to the public for use.

How do I get the most up to date information?

On the LSESU website or via our @LsesuGym Instagram.



How will you keep the gym clean?

The gym will be cleaned by the LSESU Gym staff regularly throughout the day and after every session. The LSE Cleaning Team will be increasing their cleaning capacity daily too. We will also be asking members to wipe down their equipment with cleaning products provided after every use.

Will members be able to clean equipment?

Yes, we have installed plenty of cleaning stations throughout the gym which includes hand sanitiser, disinfectant spray, and blue roll to wipe down any area or equipment you use.

Is there adequate and safe ventilation in all gyms?

Yes, LSE Estates have been into the gym to inspect the ventilation system and have increased to its maximum.



Are changing facilities and showers available?

The changing rooms will be open but with a maximum capacity. However, we would recommend coming ready to workout.

Are lockers still in use?

Yes. Please bring a token/ £1 coin to use the lockers.

Will water fountains still be in use?

Yes, however you are only allowed to fill water bottles from fountains currently so please bring a bottle.