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The Saw Swee Hock building, home of LSESU

View Manifesto

Candidate for the position of Postgraduate Students' Officer



Vote for Shruthi, Vote for Inclusivity!

1. Organise internship fairs, part time opportunities and activity projects for post graduate students. Promote cross collaboration with other universities especially for international students.

2. A more networked infrastructure across departments that will facilitate liaison with department representatives to holistically understand and campaign for course-specific needs. Monthly meetings for student representatives from different departments for continuous student experience betterment.

3. Ensure fair inclusion and representation of students from ethnic and gender minorities in the student body and councils by setting up quotas.

4. Set up a community kitchen that serves highly subsidized food and offers part-time job opportunities for students. The profit from the kitchen will be shared among those who work there.

5. Facilitate cross-departmental networking and meet-and-greet opportunities both with students and professors through inter-departmental events.

6. Create more gender-neutral spaces on campus.

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