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Candidate for the position of Neurodivergent and Disabled Students' Officer

Image for Archie Mitchell

Archie Mitchell

Bringing accessibility, inclusivity, and fidget toys to the table!

As the current Neurodivergent Students’ Officer, I have taken great pride in representing the Neurodivergent and Disabled community over the past year. I am, therefore, excited to seek re-election within the newly merged role of Neurodivergent and Disabled Students’ Officer. Receiving a second term in office will allow me to continue our fight to create a more disability-friendly LSE, with a particular focus on achieving:

  • Creating an Accessible Welcome Week: To help Neurodivergent and Disabled students transition to LSE, I will organise a series of disability-focused Welcome-Week events, in addition to advocating for greater inclusivity across the wider event schedule.
  • Continued Advocaction towards LSE Departments: Working with LSE Life and the Library has delivered rewarding results this year, with a Neurodiversity Peer-Mentoring scheme now in the pipeline! Re-election will allow me to continue this productive process.
  • More Inclusive LSESU Societies and Sports Clubs: I will empower clubs and societies to be more inclusive by developing new training and resources within the Students' Union, preventing exclusion.

To create a truly disability-friendly university, LSE needs to hear the voices of Neurodivergent and Disabled students, alongside recognising the diversity in our experiences. Providing a mandate to me, will ensure our voices are heard

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