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Candidate for the position of Democracy Committee

Image for Syaiful Iylia

Syaiful Iylia

"Democracy is not a Spectator Sport" -Marian Wright Edelman

A spectre is haunting LSE - the spectre of Coronavirus. Yet, we must not let this shadow stifle our fundamental democratic rights. My name is Syaiful, and I am running for a position in the Democracy Committee. As a member of the Committee, I pledge to uphold the high standards of election fairness that LSE has achieved year after year. Voting for those we believe are fit for position is a privilege in itself, and I will strive to improve the way students can vote by making elections more transparent and accessible. At the same time, I do believe in increasing student voter engagement, as I believe many do not see a point in voting for their student representatives. I plan to address this issue through fun and inclusive events that promote the democratic institutions that LSE has, and continue to support fair and free elections within the student body.

=> This candidate is supported by the Gaming society and the Singapore society.

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