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View Manifesto

Candidate for the position of Postgraduate Students' Officer



LSE postgraduates have a lot to offer and I have a ‘Gold Mine’ of ideas that, if elected, I will endeavour to achieve.


Who am I?

I am an MSc Development Management student from Peru. I am a sports person and I enjoy a good Salsa dance as well as reading about developing countries.


What will I do?

- Work to create a weekly newsletter that shares open job applications/conferences and its deadlines for your desire industries.

- I want to run social/working events to bond postgraduates of different disciplines to form friendships and potential working partners. 

- Use short questionaries, focus groups, open forums to understand where postgraduates would like to see an improvement.

- I'll put my efforts into making university life for our postgraduates the most fruitful, fun and fulfilling experience I can.


Why Vote For Me?

I already have experience of working with the union, and I have your interests at heart. With your voices behind me, I can use the knowledge I have gained to best represent and implement your ideas. So if you like what I hope to achieve, I would be most appreciative of your support!


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