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Candidate for the position of Postgraduate Students' Officer



You're Gonna Lovett!

Hello, I am Gemma Lovett, a current MSc Gender, Peace, and Security, and I would love to represent you as the Postgraduate Students Officer! I have previous experience in working with a Student Union, as I was Co-President of the QMBL Debate Society and worked intimately with the QMUL SU. With the unprecedented, confusing times that we are living in, I want to make sure all Postgraduate Students’ get the most out of their time here at LSE, and here's how:

  1.  Ensuring that all postgrad students’ are getting the education that LSE promised and that they have paid for.
  2. Ensuring that all Postgraduate students are being treated fairly and equally whether they are taking classes online or in-person:
    1. Making online material more accessible for people with disabilities, such as having a universal form of transcripts for lectures in all departments that students can use and follow along during lectures,
    2. Encourage the use of Zoom Chatrooms, so we can include all students in discussions.
  3. Making sure that LSE's campuses are more COVID-19 secure:
    1. Installing more sanitisation stations,
    2. Providing antibacterial wipes in all classrooms.
  4. Better access to mental health services for all students.


=> This candidate is supported by the Geography and Environment society.


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