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Candidate for the position of Democracy Committee




There’s a HUGE problem here at LSE which NOBODY is talking about. That problem is, of course, student voter participation.

Year on year, roughly only 20% of undergraduate students vote in elections; that figure drops sharply when looking at postgrad and research students. Voting allows students to influence issues that directly affect them and brings the LSE community together. Feeling like a part of the university is especially important this year, with so many of us apart. Thus, it is vital we raise these numbers. I plan to achieve this by:

·       Streamlining the voting process through the creation of accessible infographics around campus.

·       Increase awareness of upcoming UGM motions to increase voter participation.

·       Targeting specifically those demographics with the lowest participation rates to ensure the democratic process is accessible to ALL.

These measures ensure LSE is run in the most democratic way possible. Let ME work for YOU. VOTE ABDUR.

=> This candidate is supported by the United Nations society, the Tennis club, the Men's Rugby club, the Futuristic Affairs society and the Equality in Education society.

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