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The Saw Swee Hock building, home of LSESU

View Manifesto

Candidate for the position of Member of Academic Board



Victoria's Real Secret: She Votes for Avinash!

While reflecting upon the pandemic, I noticed that several household necessities are representative of my personality traits. Much like the face mask, a symbol for social responsibility, I will remain responsible in ensuring each of your concerns are addressed. After slathering my hands in hand sanitizer and wearing disposable gloves, I won’t be afraid to get my hands dirty turning your ideas into concrete action. I strive to build a community on the ideals of support and accessibility so that even standing 2 meters apart or while enduring self isolation, we remain one Students Union. Our resilience in battling this crisis is akin to the determination with which I will develop schoolwide service learning and provide fresh ways for societies to earn STARS. A vote for me is a vote for solidarity and progress -- change that will not come easily, but one that will empower us nonetheless. #VoteAvinash

=> This candidate is supported by the Entrepreneurs society, the Singapore society and the TEDx society.

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