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Candidate for the position of Academic Network Chair

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This election, vote for increased opportunity and value for money.

Hi! I’m Michael - who you might know from last year as one of those freshers hopelessly wandering around campus...? With the world having become pear-shaped, you deserve to have your voice heard more than ever before and I thought I’d join the queue of shameless plugging.

I’m running to support a breadth of module options, an improved transition between years and - most importantly - reduced cost of LSE printing. I'll be championing value for money to ensure LSE adequately fill the void of online courses and endless uncertainty. I’d draw on reviewing the state of mental health provision for a Parliamentary report whilst serving as trustee of a charity supporting education in disaster-stricken countries. Who doesn’t like a person that dreamt of delivering humanitarian aid that's now studying History, just trying to reduce the cost of printing?

I’m committed, passionate, and as a second-year, keen to bridge the gap between freshers and soon-to-be IB traders

=> This candidate is supported by the Anthropology society, the Yoga society and the Equality in Education society. .

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