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The Saw Swee Hock building, home of LSESU

Tackling Diversity

Saturday 03 December 2016
10am - 4pm
6th Floor Studio, Saw Swee Hock

“Tackling diversity”

This project will prepare students to promote diversity and take a strong stand against any form of discrimination.

Diversity has become increasingly important and most organisations are committed to achieve this goal. It is now commonly acknowledged that diverse teams are the only way to achieve real representation as well as competitiveness throughout all sectors.

Diversity is also integral to the LSE and all new students were welcomed with a clear commitment to live up to the goals of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.

“With students and staff from over 160 countries around the world, diversity is integral to LSE.” LSE Welcome Week 2016

However, these goals can only be achieved if all members of an organization have a clear understand of diversity and are committed to it. We have asked the question which contribution students and employees can make to achieve diversity and to provide leadership towards real inclusion.

“Tackling diversity” is a project for postgraduate students at the LSE.

In seminars and through a photo project, the participants will develop a good understanding what diversity means to them. They will become committed to real inclusion and equipped to work towards equity in all organization.

We are looking forward to receiving your support in the process of preparing future leaders that take a strong stand against any form of discrimination.

Please contact Juliane Hoss ( if you wish to support this project.