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A student group getting a group photo taken on a trip to a mountain range

New Committee Induction

Being a committee member comes with many responsibilities and along your journey you will have lots of fun, meet lots of people and gain new skills. The LSESU Society & Sports Team are here to help you along the way.

Welcome new LSESU Student Leaders!

Congratulations on being elected as a committee member for 2024/25! We hope you’re excited about the year ahead.

Being on the committee of an LSESU Club or Society is an amazing opportunity to shape the student experience of your members, and will be a fantastic role for you to develop your skills and experience as future leaders too. 

The SU have developed an induction process which aims to make the handover period as smooth as possible, while also equipping you with the skills, knowledge and confidence to begin your exciting new role.

Please take a look at the different steps of this process below. There are a few steps essential to every group, and a couple more if you're a sports club, or planning a large event next year.

The SU are there to support you through every step, so if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch by emailing either or


Date/ Deadline

#1 - Complete Admin Submission Form 

This form includes:

  • Your 2024/25 membership price

  • Your 2024/25 Constitution. 
    • Please update your group’s constitution, changing any dates to reflect the next academic year. 
    • If you haven’t got access to your existing constitution, you can find a blank template here.
*This deadline has now passed, so please email if you haven't yet completed the form.

By 31st May (Deadline Passed)

Handover: We will also ask the existing committee members of your group to complete a Handover Document, which will then be shared with you via email in June. This will contain useful information about your individual group’s finances, passwords and activities, along with any general advice from your predecessors. 

#2 - Attended the Student Leaders Conference

A conference running from 10am - 5pm on campus for our new Student Leaders! This will be a day packed full of useful and engaging sessions, designed to equip you with the skills, knowledge and confidence to begin your new committee role. A free lunch will be provided!

Attendance is essential for core committee members. You can choose which date to attend, and you’ll only be required to attend one of the dates listed.

Please click here for further details and tickets.

On 6th or 11th June


19th September

1st August 2024

New committees officially take position!

2024/25 memberships go onsale.

2024/25 Event and Trip Forms go live

#3 - Attend a Society Development Forum with the SU Sport or Society Staff Team

In previous years, each Club or Society has had an individual meeting, however for 2024/25, we’re introducing group forums, where you can ask any questions you may have, to take your group development to the next level.

More information about these can be found here.

Throughout August / September

#4 - Complete Final Admin Steps...

In order to continue as an LSESU Club or Society in 2024/25, by 1st September, all core committee members (President, Treasurer, Secretary) will need to have:

  • Purchased 2024/25 membership, available from 1st August onwards.

  • Completed the Equipment Audit Form to inform the SU of anything your society is storing. This is really important for insurance purposes.

  • Completed the Room Bookings Online Training Module, to be able to book LSE rooms.

  • Sign up for a slot in the Welcome Marquee if you would like one here.

  • To sign the 2024/25 Committee Code of Conduct (link will be made available soon)

  • Migrate everything from your old Google ( account to your new account, as all Google accounts will be closed on 1st September. More details will be circulated about this in June.

If all of the above has been completed by the 1st September, you will automatically receive your admin rights the following week. This will allow you to edit your group’s webpage, message your members, use eXpense365 and view demographic breakdowns of your members.

If the steps aren't completed by this time, there may be a significant delay in these admin rights being granted.

By 1st September

#5 Pushing Membership Sales

All groups are required to have a minimum of 20 members by 31st October 2024 (10 members for Faith and National/ Cultural Groups).

Membership needs to be purchased through your Club or Society's LSESU webpage.

This is essential to ensure your members are covered by the SU's insurance, receive any relevant communications, and are eligible to run and vote in any future elections, so please ensure anyone who attends your activities purchases membership before this date.

31st October

#6 - Submit an Events Form for any 2024/25 Flagships or Large Events AND/ OR Submit a Trip Form for any 2024/25 Trips

If your group plans to run a large event, flagship or trip in 2024/25, please ensure the initial form is submitted by the dates here.

We know it’s early days, so the forms can be brief at this stage! Please only submit after the 1st August, when next year’s Event and Trip Forms go live. 

Once all forms have been received after the respective dates, you will receive an email from your staff lead, who will support you through the planning of the event or trip.

AT: 1st September 24


WT: 31st October 24


ST: 28th February 25

Additional Documents for Sports Clubs

  • Your group’s Annual Risk Assessment

  • Your group's Annual Budget

  • Any Coaching Contracts for the 2024/25 academic year

  • Any External Facility Hire Contracts

Please email these documents to Links to documents will be available soon.

By 1st September

Other useful steps to complete at your own pace, before term starts in September:

  • Check you have access to your Club or Society’s email account that the SU has set up for you, as we send important updates to this email. Please use this account for all of your group’s email communications and online storage. This ensures next year’s committee have access to all of the information and documents they need, and maintains professionalism within your group.
  • Please note, due to the SU migrating it's computer systems, all groups will be issued with a new email address, in time for the Student Leaders Conference. We will contact core committee about this in due course.

By 1st September

  • Take a look at our online training enhancement modules here. These go into detail about a variety of topics related to being a Student Leader, so feel free to work through them at your own pace.
  • Familiarise yourself with the Committee Hub website, which has lots of information about running your group.This includes any forms you may need, information on SU processes and much more!
  • Ensure you are receiving the Club and Socs Newsletter to your personal LSE email. These are sent weekly during term time, and fortnightly during vacation. These newsletters contain essential information throughout the year. You will begin receiving these over the Summer. If you aren’t receiving these emails, please let us know!
  • You may also choose to complete a Development Plan, to help you map out your year ahead.

As always, the Clubs and Societies Team are here to support you with any aspect of being a student leader. Please email us at either or if you have any questions!


Task Action Group Required Deadline
Registration Fill out registration form to officially register your club for the year All Clubs & Societies 6th June
Online Committee Training

Complete your core modules online

All Clubs & Societies 14th June
Club & Society Email Gain Access to your email All Clubs & Societies

1st June

Committee Conference Attend the training introductions, sessions and workshops.  All Clubs & Societies 7th - 17th June
Handovers Receive a handover/ complete by previous committee All Clubs & Societies 1st - 31st June
Finances Submit outstanding expenses from this year All Clubs & Societies

5th July

Development Plan Complete a Development Plan All Clubs & Societies June - July
Development Meeting Book and attend a meeting with an SU coordinator All Clubs & Societies

1st July - 31st August

Memberships & Prices Submit a membership plan Societies Only 21st July 
Constitutions Complete and Submit All Clubs & Societies 31st July
Risk Assessments Complete and Submit Specific Groups 31st August
Sub-Committee & Ventures 
Registration Form
Complete and Submit Societies Only 31st August
AU Grant Applications Complete and Submit Application Clubs Only 

29th July - 22nd August

Old Gym/ Badminton Court Booking Request Application Complete and Submit Application Clubs Only  29th July - 22nd August
Coaching Contract Complete and Submit  Clubs Only  31st September
External Facility Hire Contract Complete and Submit Clubs Only  31st August
Give it a Go Complete and Submit All Clubs & Societies 31st August
Purchase your new membership Complete and Submit All Committee Members 1st Aug onwards
Request Admin Rights Complete and Submit All Committee Members After Purchasing Membership
2021 Conference Event Form Complete and Submit Societies Only 31st August

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