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The Saw Swee Hock building, home of LSESU

Resisting the loss of culture in a neoliberal society

Friday 30 September 2016
1pm - 3pm
The Shaw Library, 6th Floor, Old Building

As the Arts become less accessible in the wake of neoliberalism, can it's favourite persuasion tool - the advert, arguably the most prevalent day-to-day imagery - be used against itself, creating public arts spaces that educate as well as stimulate?


What if, instead of being surrounded by images that encourage you to be subservient to the status quo, you were surrounded by images that challenged your ideas and views and offered you radical new ways of thinking?


What would these texts, poems, artworks, images, references etc, be? These are all questions explored in this interactive session.



Hannah Ellis: RCA, designer
Leandro Stafford RCA, Multidisciplinary Artist