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Peace building in Colombia: how to overcome current challenges?

Wednesday 22 January 2020
6:15pm - 8pm
NAB 1.07

Event: Peacebuilding in Colombia: how to overcome current challenges? 
Description: In 2016, Colombia ended a half-century armed conflict by signing the Peace Agreement between the Government and the guerrilla group FARC. Different stakeholders have put all their efforts to implement the Peace Agreement. However, many challenges have arisen along the way. In this panel discussion, we will discuss the main challenges and opportunities of the peace implementation to ensure a long-lasting peace in the country.  
Juanita Goebertus is currently a congresswoman of the Colombian Congress. She previously worked at the Institute for Integrated Transitions, as well at the Office of the High Commissioner for Peace in Colombia, in which she participated in the peace negotiations between the Colombian Government and the FARC. She has more than 10 years of experience in issues related to peace, security, transitional justice and human rights. She is a lawyer and political scientist from Los Andes University and holds a Master in Law from Harvard University. 
Dr. Andrei Gómez has published widely on the armed conflict in Colombia and the peace process. He has taught at the University of Sussex, the University of Los Andes, the University of Cauca, Externado University, and Alberto Merani Institute in Colombia. He is a founding member of Rodeemos el Diálogo (ReD), associate Researcher of University of Bristol. Honorary Senior Research associate at UCL Institute of the Americas and has done consultancies for several organizations. He has a DPhil in International Relations from the University of Sussex.
Dr. Elena B. Stavrevska is a Research Officer at the LSE Centre for Women, Peace and Security. She has previously worked as a visiting research fellow at the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame, a postdoctoral teaching fellow at Bard College Berlin, and a coordinator and researcher in the EU-funded project Cultures of Governance and Conflict Resolution in Europe and India at the Central European University. Her research has explored issues of gender, intersectionality, transitional justice, and political economy in post-war societies, with a particular focus on Bosnia and Herzegovina and Colombia. 
Date and Time 
Wednesday, 22 January 2019
18:15 – 20:00