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Candidate for the position of Postgraduate Students' Officer



Celebrating diversity every day! Vote for LEO: Loveable, Enthusiastic, Outspoken!

Dear fellow students,

my name is Leo (they/them), I am 25 years old and doing the MSc Gender (Sexuality). During my undergrad studies in Politics, I was speaker of all first-year students, representative of my programme and member of the diversity initiative. Student representation has been my passions ever since.

We all come from different places and various backgrounds. Our strength lies in this diversity. LSE is a place where everyone can express their opinion freely and while there are times, we might disagree with each other; mutual respect is key. I would like to enhance an environment where everyone feels welcome. The workload we face is heavy. Improving research and study conditions can be accomplished by supporting each other and working together.

To achieve an inclusive and sustainable studying, working and living space I will be pursuing the following goals:

  1. Establishing a mentorship programme with external professionals
  2. Offering workshops which lead through the PhD application process
  3. Creating a diverse and inclusive network for all postgraduate students
  4. Fostering mental health, e.g., by founding a student support group
  5. Providing more on-campus job opportunities
  6. Accommodating intersectional teaching and research

Thank you for your support.

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