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View Manifesto

Candidate for the position of International Students' Officer

Image for YAXIN GUO


Enjoy your study abroad life, we are all here!

I left my country since I was 14 and studied abroad alone. I experienced all the anxiety and helplessness. I can deeply understand what international students want. I want to make your study abroad life more interesting and strive for more opportunities for you.

I will initiate: 

1. Bringing Culture to Campus - Global Food Bazaar during the day X Music festival at night 

Cooperate with culture and national society. Volunteers from all counrties will be invited to make food of their own country.

A grand music festival. Students from various countries who love to sing have the opportunity to sing their own country's songs at the festival.

2. Career Opportunities - a career fair tailored for international students 
Organize career fairs for international students. Only invite specific companies to participate. These companies must have job vacancies that require your cultural background to participate. Let your cultural background become an employment advantage.

3. Listen to your voice- seek ideas 
We will anonymously collect some ideas for events that can be organized for international students online. Choose 8 to 10 feasible event ideas for online voting, and use all our resources to organize the at least two events with the highest number of votes this academic year

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