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Candidate for the position of General Course President


My experience and commitment to getting students engaged on campus is what led me to run for this position. I was a senator for the Student Government Association, where I worked with advisors, faculty and the dean’s team to improve our college and solve issues students faced. I was also the recruitment chair for Northeastern’s chapter of Phi Alpha Delta. Coming up with creative ways to recruit new members and planning networking events were part of that role.


I aim to have more career events specifically tailored to GC students – including panels of GC alumni who are at graduate school or working in specific industries. I believe strongly in teamwork and we are a diverse group of students that come with a multitude of perspectives and ideas. Therefore, another goal I have is to set up a committee of GC students where we work collectively to improve our shared experience.


=> This candidate is supported by the Equality in Education society.

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