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The Saw Swee Hock building, home of LSESU

View Manifesto

Candidate for the position of Postgraduate Students' Officer



I am Mausam Mehta, I am currently doing my MSc Management. I am from Mumbai, India. 

I am standing up for the PG students officer role. 


I have 4 main agendas for the year:

  1. Networking : Facilitating greater networking opportunities for all PG students with alumni and interdepartmental students that has been limited due to social distancing norms

  2. Custom Course Choices : Option to drop some compulsory courses and choose more electives to tailor make course as per student need

  3. Funding: Increase funding to £5000 per annum per student for LSE SU hardship fund based on circumstances

  4. Support Groups for Minority: All students at LSE deserve an equal chance, these groups will provide mentorship and guidance to minority students for who societal problems are a hindrance

=> This candidate is supported by the Consultancy society.

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