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The Saw Swee Hock building, home of LSESU

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Candidate for the position of Disabled Students' Officer



Everyone is included!

Hello! I’m Emily and have studied at LSE for the past three years. I would love the opportunity to be your disability officer.

Given that I’ve been paralyzed myself for 9 years, I fully understand the daily struggles a lot of people have to overcome. I feel extremely passionate about making the world as inclusive as possible and want to unlock any barriers that prevent someone from doing what they want to in life. Through personal experience, I plan to focus on these key elements, as I know just how important, yet simple steps they are to help us on this journey.

My aims;

  • Improve access for all disabilities
  • Help with exam support, adjustments and start a new scribe system
  • Create a more open forum for support during and after university

It’s more important than ever that we are there for everyone during these unprecedented times.

Please vote for me!

=> This candidate is supported by the Anthropology society, the Yoga society, the Geography and Environment society and the Futuristic Affairs society.

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