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Election Results

LSESU Lent Term Elections 2023

The polls have closed, and results have been published.

General Secretary

Results have not been published yet.

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Activities and Communities Officer

Results have not been published yet.

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Education Officer

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Welfare and Liberation Officer

Results have not been published yet.

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Member of Trustee Board

  • HELEN BOURNE Manifesto

    Vote for an inclusive undergraduate trustee with extensive charity experience!

    Elected at stage 9 with 263 votes

  • VAIDAHI SHARMA Manifesto

    For students, By students: Together Let's make a difference!

    Elected at stage 11 with 179.5 votes

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Ethics and Sustainability Adviser

Results have not been published yet.

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Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Officer

Results have not been published yet.

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Class Liberation Officer

Results have not been published yet.

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International Students' Officer

Results have not been published yet.

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Neurodivergent and Disabled Students' Officer

Results have not been published yet.

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LGBTQ+ Officer

Results have not been published yet.

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Women's Officer

Results have not been published yet.

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