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Election Posts

LSESU Lent Term Elections 2023

The polls have closed, and results have been published.

General Secretary

The General Secretary leads the Student Union and acts as the primary liaison between LSE and the Students’ Union. As Chair of the Executive Committee, the Gen Sec supports elected Officers to represent all LSE students and lead on major campaigns, strategic developments, projects and events.


As General Secretary, you would be one of LSESU's full-time, paid Sabbatical Officers and the primary liaison between LSE and the Students’ Union. The Sabbatical Officers represent all LSE students and lead on major campaigns, strategic developments, projects and events.

Specifically, your role involves representing the student body and setting the agenda within both the School and LSESU. You will actively promote the needs and desires of students and lead on the development and delivery of initiatives, campaigns and projects to improve the overall student experience at LSE.

You will sit on LSE’s decision-making bodies: including LSE Council; Finance and Estates Committee; Ethics Committee; Honorary Awards Committee; and Governance Committee. This is a meeting-heavy role, with various chairing responsibilities.

What would I be responsible for?

  • Directing the Union’s representative work

  • Acting as Union Spokesperson

  • Chairing the Executive Committee

  • Chairing of the Trustee Board

  • Primary liaison between the School and the Union, and responsible for coordinating Student representation on School Committees

However, as with all elected roles, you will have a lot of freedom over the projects you choose to work on.

For more information on this role click here, or email

Note: Sabbatical Officers will need to be available during the month of July for the induction period.

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Activities and Communities Officer

The Activities and Communities Officer helps create and sustain LSE’s vibrant community. Whether that’s supporting campaign groups to reach their goals, getting more funding for sport facilities, or providing opportunities for people across the globe to get to know each other - the Activities and Communities Officer is here to make LSE a better place.

As Activities and Communities Officer, you will be one of LSESU’s four full-time, paid Sabbatical Officers. The Sabbatical Officers represent all students at LSE and lead on major campaigns, strategic developments, projects and events. 

The Activities and Communities Officer works to create and sustain the LSE community. This will involve supporting campaign groups to reach their goals, helping develop LSESU sports clubs, societies and providing opportunities for people across the globe to get to know each other. You will help organise events, such as the Freshers’ Fair, and will work closely with the Raising And Giving (RAG) President and the Athletics Union (AU) President on their campaigns and projects.

You will also lead on sustainability initiatives in the SU, working closely with the Ethics and Sustainability Adviser and green-focussed societies. 

All Sabbatical Officers are also members of the Trustee Board, which has the ultimate legal and financial responsibility for the Students’ Union, and the Executive Committee which is responsible for defending the rights of student members and campaigning on issues affecting them.

What am I responsible for?

  • Directing the Union’s Student activities work

  • Instigator of new and developing extra curricular activities

  • Lead projects that enhance the personal development of members

  • Lead on initiatives that help build community within the School

For more information, go to or contact

Note: Sabbatical Officers will need to be available during the month of July for the induction period.

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Education Officer

The Education Officer changes things up for the better, working to represent all students’ academic interests, and helping them to get the most out of their degree!


As Education Officer, you would be one of the Students’ Union's full-time, paid Sabbatical Officers. The Sabbatical Officers represent all students and lead on major campaigns, strategic developments, projects and events.

The Education Officer is responsible for leading change in teaching and learning within LSE.  You will raise awareness of academic issues, liaising with students, academic representatives, academics and the directorate to ensure that students have a voice and representation within the SU and the University. You will also take the lead on national education policy and issues.

You will sit on School decision-making bodies, including the Academic Board, and will co-chair the Consultative Forums. This is a meeting-heavy role.

All Sabbatical Officers are also members of the Trustee Board, which has the ultimate legal and financial responsibility for the Students’ Union, and the Executive Committee which is responsible for defending the rights of student members and campaigning on issues affecting them.

What would I be responsible for?

  • Directing the Union’s work on educational and academic issues

  • Supporting academic reps to make positive changes to the educational experience of students

  • Primary Officer involved with monitoring the activities of the Academic Board and other related Academic Committees

However, as with all elected roles, you will have a lot of freedom over the projects you choose to work on.

For more information, go to or contact

Note: Sabbatical Officers will need to be available during the month of July for the induction period.


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Welfare and Liberation Officer

The Welfare and Liberation Officer works to make sure the University and wider world are inclusive and accessible to all. Take the lead on making LSE a safe, fair, and positive place to learn and to live!

As Welfare and Liberation Officer you will be one of LSESU’s full-time, paid Sabbatical Officers. The Sabbatical Officers represent all students at LSE and lead on major campaigns, strategic developments, projects and events. 

The Welfare and Liberation Officer leads on initiatives that advance and support student welfare, particularly for those marginalised within their education experience and across wider society. 

You will undergo negotiations with the School to improve issues such as off-campus housing support and the cost of living crisis; student wellbeing; equality and diversity issues; and access to higher education. You will work closely with the Part-Time Officers elected to represent marginalised groups, supporting them with their campaigns and projects.

You will sit on working groups concerning communities and student wellbeing, including the EDI Advisory Board, the Harassment and Safeguarding Forum and the Residences User Group.

All Sabbatical Officers are also members of the Trustee Board, which has the ultimate legal and financial responsibility for the Students’ Union, and the Executive Committee which is responsible for defending the rights of student members and campaigning on issues affecting them.

What would I be responsible for?

  • Direct the Union’s work on the welfare of members

  • Direct the Union’s work on issues relating to members’ local, regional, national and international communities

  • Direct the Union’s work on citizenship and wider societal issues

  • Direct the Union’s work on developing good campus relations

However, as with all elected roles, you will have a lot of freedom over the projects you choose to work on.

For more information, go to or contact

Note: Sabbatical Officers will need to be available during the month of July for the induction period.


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Member of Trustee Board (2 places)

Become a Director of multi-million-pound charity, and help us to make big decisions about the future of the LSE Students’ Union!

The LSESU Trustee Board is responsible for making the big decisions about the running of the Students’ Union. The Board is comprised of 12 people including Sabbatical Officers, lay trustees and fellow students – all of whom bring different types of experience and expertise to the role.

As a member of Trustee Board you will:

  • Elevate the student voice 

  • Steer the Students' Union's strategic direction

  • Shape the future of the Students' Union by preparing for meetings and working with the Students' Union to implement changes.

Please note: Applications for this role are different to the other roles in this election. As stated in our governing documents, all applicants for this role must be approved by our Appointments Committee. Therefore, you must submit an application for this role as well as nominating yourself in the election portal. 

See the full role description and information on the application process at:

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Ethics and Sustainability Adviser

Lead the frontier to make LSE an ethical and sustainable community, helping ensure campus life supports sustainable development for all. From advising the SU on environmental issues to investigating LSE's ethical and social credibility, there's lots to get stuck into!


The Ethics and Sustainability Adviser is a consultative position which provides advice and recommendations to the Executive Committee on matters relating to ethics and sustainability. The Ethics and Sustainability Adviser will be paid an honorarium of £600 for their work.

As Ethics and Sustainability Adviser Officer you will:

  • Advise on how to make the campus a more environmentally friendly and ethical place

  • Proactively investigate methods of developing LSE and the SU in sustainable ways

  • Advocate for environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues at Executive Committee meetings and termly Town Halls

  • Work closely with LSESU staff to influence authentic change by working on campaigns related to environmental, social and governance matters

  • Lead on Green Week

  • Collaborate with the Sabbatical Officers and other part time officers to influence actionable change

For more information, see the full role description at: or contact

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Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Officer

Make sure the voices of Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic students are heard! As BAME Officer, you would represent the interests of BAME students and work to combat racism and prejudices at LSE.


The BAME Officer is a Part-Time Officer position and sits on the Executive Committee within the SU. The BAME PTO will be paid an honorarium of £750 for their work in the 2023/24 academic year.

As BAME Officer, you are responsible for listening to and voicing the concerns and experiences of Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic students on campus, supporting the Sabbatical Officers in lobbying for change.

As BAME Officer you will:

  • Challenge LSE to become an anti-oppressive, decolonial and intersectional institution

  • Work closely with LSESU staff to influence authentic change by working on SU priorities, such as Decolonise the Curriculum, Anti-Apartheid, and Black History Month

  • Advocate for students at Executive Committee meetings

  • Discuss problems and their solutions with students at termly Town Halls

  • Collaborate with the Sabbatical Officers and other Part-Time Officer to influence actionable change

You must self-identify as Black, Asian, or Minority Ethnic in order to run for this position.

See the full role description at: or contact

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Class Liberation Officer

The Class Liberation Officer represents the interests of students from low socio-economic backgrounds, tackling issues such as class-based microaggressions, imposter syndrome, and tangible financial support for disadvantaged students.


The Class Liberation Officer is a Part-Time Officer position and sits on the Executive Committee within the SU. The Class Liberation PTO will be paid an honorarium of £750 for their work in the 2023/24 academic year.

As Class Liberation Officer, you are responsible for listening to and voicing the concerns and experiences of students from low socio-economic on campus, supporting the Sabbatical Officers in lobbying for change.

As Class Liberation Officer you work may involve:

  • Developing a strategy to address issues disproportionately affecting students from low socio-economic backgrounds, such as the cost of living crisis

  • Developing and implementing strategies to lobby for commuting students

  • Assessing and, if required, advocating for more money in the hardship fund

  • Helping provide communities for students from state school backgrounds.

  • Representing the needs of lower socio-economic classes at Executive meetings and update on progress at termly Town Halls

You must self define as being from a low socio-economic background in order to run for this role. 

For more information, see the full role description at or contact

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International Students' Officer

LSE is a global institution, with a global student body - and the International Students’ Officer makes sure we don’t forget it! They work to represent international students and their interests to the School and SU.


The International Students’ Officer is a Part-Time Officer position and sits on the Executive Committee within the SU. The International Students’ PTO will be paid an honorarium of £750 for their work in the 2023/24 academic year.

As International Students’ Officer, you are responsible for listening to and voicing the concerns and experiences of international students on campus, supporting the Sabbatical Officers in lobbying for change.

As International Students' Officer you will:

  • Lead the Union on improving international students’ experiences and increase their engagement 

  • Lobby key LSE stakeholders for better support on visas and scholarships opportunities

  • Work with the Language Centre to propose language teaching courses

  • Collaborate with relevant clubs, societies and campaigns 

  • Advocate for international students at Executive Committee meetings

  • Provide community/ events tailored for international students

  • Discuss problems and their solutions with students at termly Town Halls

  • Collaborate with the Sabbatical Officers and other Part-Time Officer to influence actionable change

You must be an international student to run for this position.

For more information, see the full role description at or contact

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Neurodivergent and Disabled Students' Officer

The Neurodiversity and Disability (ND&D) Officer provides a genuine understanding of the complexities of Neurodiversity and Disability. They listen to and voice the concerns and experiences of neurodivergent and disabled students on campus, seeking to build a community at LSE where ND&D students can thrive.


The Neurodiversity and Disability Officer is a Part-Time Officer position and sits on the Executive Committee within the SU. The Neurodiversity and Disability PTO will be paid an honorarium of £750 for their work in the 2023/24 academic year.

As Neurodiversity and Disability Officer, you are responsible for listening to and voicing the concerns and experiences of neurodivergent and disabled students on campus, supporting the Sabbatical Officers in lobbying for change.

As Neurodiversity and Disability Officer you could:

  • Collaborate with the Disability Wellbeing Service to improve support for ND&D students

  • Organise events during Neurodiversity week

  • Ensure that the needs of ND&D students are catered for in wider SU events e.g. Welcome Week

  • Represent the needs of ND&D students at Executive meetings and update on progress at termly Town Halls


Find out more about the role here or contact

You must self-identify as neurodivergent or disabled in order to run for this position. 

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LGBTQ+ Officer

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer + (LGBTQ+) Officer, is responsible for listening to and voicing the concerns and experiences of LGBTQ+ students on campus, supporting the Sabbatical Officers in lobbying for change.


The LGBTQ+ Officer is a Part-Time Officer position and sits on the Executive Committee within the SU. The International Students’ PTO will be paid an honorarium of £750 for their work in the 2023/24 academic year.

As LGBTQ+ Officer, you are responsible for listening to and voicing the concerns and experiences of LGBTQ+ students on campus, supporting the Sabbatical Officers in lobbying for change.

As LGBTQ+ Officer you will:

  • Collaborate with LGBTQ+ Society and Spectrum

  • Lobby for improved LGBTQ+ support, especially in the wake of LSE’s disaffiliation from Stonewall 

  • Develop a strategy to improve the lives of members of the LGBTQ+ community on campus

  • Representing the needs of LGBTQ+ students at Executive meetings and update on progress at termly Town Halls

  • Communicate and collaborate with the Sabbatical Officers where necessary

You must self-define as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, or another minority gender identity or sexual orientation, such as gender queer or asexual in order to run for this role.

For more information, see the full role description go to or contact

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Women's Officer

Represent and support other women at LSE! As Women's Officer, you are responsible for listening to and voicing the concerns and experiences of all women on campus, recognising the intersectionality of their experiences, and supporting the Sabbatical Officers in lobbying for change.


Did you know, on average, women can swim the English Channel faster than men?

And yet, both on and off campus women experience everyday sexism.

Are you discouraged by the micro AND macro-aggressions that appear in LSE?

By running to be the LSESU’s Women’s Officer you can lead the way in pioneering LSE as an equitable space for women!

The Women's Officer:

  • Advocates for women’s empowerment and equality at Executive Committee meetings and termly Town Halls

  • Works closely with LSESU staff to influence authentic change by tackling sexual assault on campus, increasing awareness of consent, promoting body positivity and empowering women on campus with specific career events 

  • Collaborates with the Sabbatical Officers and other part time officers to influence actionable change

  • Communicates their work to students both in person and online

The Women's Officer is a Part-Time Officer position and sits on the Executive Committee within the SU. The Women's PTO will be paid an honorarium of £750 for their work in the 2023/24 academic year.

You must self-define as a woman in order to run for this role.

For more information, see the full role description at: or contact


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